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The Positive Aspects of the Cold War: 1946 - 1991 Describes the positive aspects and outcomes of the cold war, and how it helped to create a stable world economy and political structure.
Although the Cold War had many negative influences on global society, it also helped to create a stable political world, as evidenced by the fact that during the Cold War era, civil wars, nationalistic uprisings, and ethnic cleansings were almost non-existent. As well, the world economic situation was subsequently greatly improved by the military build-up caused by the Cold War. The implementation of the American "Marshall Plan" and the Communist "Molotov Plan", the nuclear arms
Cold War were negative in nature, as a whole the Cold War helped rather than hindered countries on both sides of the conflict. BIBLIOGRAPHY Campbell, Christy Disarmament. London: MacDonald & Co. Ltd, 1986. Cheney, Glenn Alan Nuclear Proliferation. New York: Franklin Watts Publishing, 1999. Roussopoulos, Dimitrios I. The Coming of World War Three. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1986. Zelinski, Victor; Draper, Graham; Quinlan, Don; McFadden, Fred Twentieth Century Viewpoints: An Interpretive History. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press, 1996.