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The Title of this essay is Pubic Lice. It explains the causes of it, its effects, and different studies about this STD.
Every year, millions of people treat themselves for pubic lice. Pubic Lice is an STD caused by a small, light brown, flat, wingless insect called Phthirus pubis. It looks like a crab and so the STD is also called "crabs" or "cooties". This is because the insect has claws like a crab, which it uses to hold on to the pubic hair. The insect likes to feed on blood. Pubic lice occur when adult lice
or towels should be treated, even if they don't have an itch or rash. Sexual Health Clinics give free and confidential treatment for all sexually transmitted diseases. They can also provide information about how to stay healthy and avoid sexually transmitted diseases. Sexual Health Clinics are a service of your hospital. Look in the front of the telephone book for the service nearest you. Your doctor, gynaecologist, urologist or Family Planning Clinic can also help.