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The first three steps in the twelve step recovery program of Alcoholics Anonimious.
" HOW TO LEARN TO GIVE " Have you ever woke up one morning only to find that you can't remember what happened the night before, and because of it felt like your life was becoming unmanageable and that you are just ready to give up, praying to God that if He would just help you through "this one" that it would never happen again. If so, without knowing it, you have already started working the first
Step Three "Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him." The belief behind this step is that all our trouble stems from the misuse of willpower and that this step opens the door for us to start conforming our will with that of Gods. ( *Page 40 ) * All information taken from the book "TWELVE STEPS AND TWELVE TRADITIONS" published by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc