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The impact of Snowboarding on retail marketing
Video Productions, Burlington VT Gatlin, L. Dana (1993) 'Snowboarding boom begins to include the older set,' Christian Science Monitor, Jan. 15, p14. Feldman, Paul (1993) 'Snowboard Siege,' Los Angeles Times, Jan. 18, sec:A3 Hauser, Roger (1996) Personal Interview, Ski School Director, Massanutten Ski Resort, Harrisonburg, VA Nov. 6. Kobler, Sepp (1996) Personal Interview, Manager, Freestyle Sports, Charlottesville, VA Nov. 5. Morrow Snowboards Inc., Company Records, 2600 Pringle Road South East, Salem OR 97302 Ride Inc., Company Records, 8160 304th Ave. Southeast, Preston WA 98050