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The lone star: Antigone The role that gender plays in the play Antigone
The play Antigone is full of rage, power, and lust. This play shows how one's ego can impair one's judgement. By disregarding women simply because of they their gender is wrong. Being a woman makes a woman weaker because they are fluently labelled as being just "women." In Antigone, the role played by gender in shaping the conflict between Antigone and Creon is quite significant. This conflict involves two individuals who are very stubborn and …
…to him defending Antigone, he continues to defend her. Haemon shows the fact the simply because Antigone is a woman, her story should not be ignored, she too is a human being. Gender plays a very important role in Antigone. Gender was the significant contributing factor in the fate of Antigone. This play shows how the struggles of woman have progressed through time. Antigone shows us how far women have come to achieve "equal rights."