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The process of Ancient Egyptian Mummification.
The Egyptian process of embalming, or mummification, is very interesting. Using special processes, the Egyptians would drain the moisture from the dead body, leaving a dried out carcass that would not easily decay. In the Egyptian religion, it was important to keep the body as life-like as possible. So successful were they that you can look at the body of a 3000-year-old mummy and have a good idea of what they looked like. This is
rest, a burial mask would be placed over the mummified body. The most famous burial mask was found the in tomb of King Tutankhamen. The body would then be placed in the sarcophagus, a type of coffin to protect the body. The more wealthy and powerful they were, the more elaborately decorated these were. There may also have been several layers of caskets in which the body was placed. This concludes my report on mummification.