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This article argues that modernity is the second form of colonization.
Modernity is the second form of colonization The direct colonial rule, which has been gradually vanished after the Second World War, seemed to produce heartening era. After suffering a period of colonization in which sovereignty and independence was no where in sight, colonized people can at last enjoyed the luxury of their own state. However, It did not take long to see that the decline of colonial empires does not always produce an independent nation.
Massachusetts Press. Rostow, Walt. 1961. Rostow, Foreign Aid, 3/16/61-3/18-61. In Memorandum: Rostow to Theodore Sorensen, 16 March ,National Security Files, box 325. Boston: John F. Kennedy Library. cited in Latham, Michael. 2003. Introduction: Modernization, International History, and the Cold War World. In Staging Growth: Modernization, Development and the global Cold War, eds. David C. Engerman et al, 1-26. Amherst and Boston: University of Massachusetts Press. Young, Robert. 2001. Neocolonialism and Postcolonialism. In Postcolonialism: A Historical Introduction. London: Blackwell Publishers.