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This essay is about the common disease call hypertension.
Hypertension or High Blood Pressure, physiological condition involving increased pressure on the arterial walls. Generally both the systolic and diastolic pressure are elevated, although diastolic pressure only may be increased. Many people have a condition known as labile hypertension, in which blood pressure is elevated on initial examination but registers normal on subsequent measurements. For this reason a diagnosis of true, or sustained, hypertension requires elevated blood pressure readings on several occasions. Elevated arterial blood
the high normal range (130 to 139/85 to 89 mm Hg) or to stage 1 of the hypertensive category (140 to 159/90 to 99 mm Hg); (3) patients who have inherited BP in the high normal category (130 to 139/85 to 89 mm Hg); if 1 or more hypertensinogenic factors are added, BP will increase to the hypertensive range and (4) patients who have inherited BP in the hypertensive range; addition of 1 or more hypertensinogenic factors will make hypertension more severe, changing it from stage 1 to stage 2 or 3.