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This investigation discusses Eggs' Mass in Different Solutions.
Eggs' Mass in Different Solutions Hypothesis Egg 1 in 150 mL of distilled water will undergo cytolosis. Egg 2 in the 0.9% saline solution will undergo plasmolysis. Egg 3 in 150 mL of corn syrup will undergo cytolosis. Egg 4 in 150 mL of fountain water will undergo plasmolysis. Materials 8 200 mL beakers 2 trays 600 mL vinegar (acetic acid) 9 g salt (sodium chloride) 1, 150 mL distilled water 150 mL corn syrup piece wax paper 4 unfertilized eggs triple balance beam absorbent paper 150 mL fountain water (city water) Procedure
order to make the solution isotonic, more salt had to be added. Egg 3 was placed in a hypertonic solution of 150 milliliters of corn syrup. The amount of water was greater inside the egg than out. Therefore, water was diffused out of the egg by plasmolysis. Egg 3 was placed in 150 milliliters of fountain water, a hypotonic solution. It underwent cytolosis by the process of osmosis. All hypotheses were proven incorrect except for the hypothesis for Egg 1.