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This is an essay on the life of Aristotle, one of the greatest philosophers in greek history.
Aristotle was not only a mathematician, but also made important contributions by organizing deductive logic. He believed that logic was not a science but rather had to be treated before the study of every branch of knowledge. Aristotle's name for logic was "analytics". This great achiever wrote on the many subjects of zoology, psychology, metaphysics, philosophy, astronomy, meteorology, chemistry, and geography. Aristotle was born in Stagirus around 384 BC on the peninsula of northern Greece. His
began to conquer, he told Aristole to go to Athens and to build a recovery establishment, and he did just that, and in 335 BC, he founded the Lyceum. Aristole was head of the school and under his control; the school followed a broader range of subjects than Plato's Academy. After Alexander the Great died, Aristotle left to go home to his mothers estate, and there he died at the age of sixty-two the following year.