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This is lab report about The Synthesis and Determination of Empirical Formula for Magnesium Oxide.
The Synthesis and Determination of Empirical Formula for Magnesium Oxide Aim: To determine the empirical formula for magnesium oxide. Data Collection: Table 1 Mass of empty crucible, crucible + Mg (roughly 1cm pieces of a 15-cm piece of magnesium ribbon), and crucible +MgxOy. (mass measured with an analytical balance). The mass of crucible + MgxOy was obtained after a continuous process of heating, letting cool, heating with water enough to immerse the content and letting cool of the
for Mg to react with more O thus reducing the presence of oxygen atoms. Our experiment can be improved and sources of error can be eliminated, if we repeat the process of heating the content, letting it to cool and measuring its mass during the first and second heating (with and without adding water) until the mass reaches a constant value. In this way, we can assure that all Mg has completely reacted with O.