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This was a research paper on any computer related Subject. I chose Digital Cameras versus Film Cameras. The Professor really enjoyed it and awarded me with a 98%.
Digital or Film <Tab/>In today's society, it may be difficult to make a choice between digital cameras and film cameras. There are many things that you should consider when making this decision. One of the most important elements of this comparison is that of pixel count. It is not, however, the only factor. In fact, there are many aspects that you should consider, like convenience, cost effectiveness, and quality. There
The answers to these questions are, "Yes and Yes" (Lewis). At times digital photography can be molded into untrue scenes and spoil the art within the photograph. At the same time, digital cameras are wonderful new tools to capture the photo that the average person would have never gotten before this technology. However, when deciding between digital and film remember that what works for one person may not work for another (Choosing the Right Camera).