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Title: Separation by Filtration and Crystallisation. The first year 11 Chem prac write up... the structure is at least correct... :p
Aim: To separate substances by the properties of filtering and crystallisation. Apparatus and Chemicals: - balance. - 100mL-beaker (2). - Filter funnel stand and filter funnel. - Bunsen, Tripod and gauze mat. - Watch glass. - Glass rod. - 100mL Beaker (2) - 25mL graduated cylinder. - Filter paper - Boiling Chips - Matches - NaCl/C mixture (sodium chloride/Charcoal 4g.) - NaCl/CuCl^2 mixture (Sodium chloride/copper (II) chloride mixture, 8g.) - C^2H^5OH (
sodium Chloride/ Charcoal did not fully dissolve in water. I believe that the combination of Sodium Chloride/ Copper Chloride and ethanol were unsuccessful because of ethanol's high alcohol content as it did dissolve in water effectively. When the two substances were separated it left crystals which where white in colour. Conclusion In Conclusion the overall experiment was a success. My group was successfully able to separate the before mentioned substances after mixing and/or heating.