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Ultimate Warrior- A wrestling retrospective.
I appreciate the argument that by retreating down the "back in my day" path that I risk echoing the words of so many veterans everywhere, but sometimes one simply must call a spade a spade. I am 33, and I feel strongly that wrestling is deeply disappointing today, and that it was far better in the 80's. I was born to this world a WWF fan but I do not give a God-damn for 99% of what
one's finishing move? One'd have to be willing to try to lift any future opponent clear over ones head before launching them in the air, and he did it to the immortal Hulk Hogan and other heavyweights. One risks failure and looking like a pussy, a sissy-boy and a damned fool. THAT is why the Ultimate Warrior remains forever in the pantheon of the wrestling gods. Like him or not, we must respect his legacy.