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Ultrasound Physical Medical Treatment
Many medical devices are designed for use in one area of the field and then are found to be transferrable to another field through use and experimentation. The ultrasound is no exception. First used in the 1940s, the ultrasound has developed into a device which is used frequently in most modern-day pregnancies. It was not until the late 1990s that it was used for therapeutic treatment. <Tab/>Ultrasounds in the range
amp;gt;[Online]. Available: http://www.orthosonics.com/duoson.htm<Tab/> <Tab/>Tessendorf Chiropractics (2003). Uitrasound Treatment. [Online]. Available: <Tab/><Tab/>http://www.tessendorfchiro.com/html/ultrasound.html <Tab/>University of Iowa Health Care (1998). Ultrasound Treatment. [Online] Available: <Tab/><Tab/>http://www.uihealthcare.com/topics/sportsmedicine/spor3358.html