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Was Truman morally and militarily justified in dropping two Atomic Bombs on Japan?
"16 hours ago an American airplane dropped one bomb on Hiroshima. The force from which the sun draws its power has been loosed upon those who brought war to the Far East." ---Truman. These were the famous words of a novice president who was sworn in to presidency the day Roosevelt died. Although Truman's response to the political questions showed that he was certain he made the right decision, nobody would have been able to know
to an end. Was it again worth to start a nuclear weaponry age, causing many cold wars and other issues. On August 14, the Japanese surrendered. They signed a peace treaty aboard the U.S.S. Missouri at Tokyo Bay, ending World War II. In conclusion, as I have stated and supported many times throughout my essay, the decision to drop the atomic bomb was a wrong one. It was not militarily justified nor morally justified.