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Water Classification
Water is generally classified into two groups: surface water and ground water. Water that is trapped beneath the ground is called ground water. Whereas, water that is found in rivers and lakes are called surface water. Surface water, is not very high in mineral content but is exposed to many different contaminates such as animal wastes, pesticides, insecticides, industrial wastes, algae, and other organic materials. Few of the sources that recharge the supply of underground
quality of water. Since water is highly polar, it is an excellent solvent for other polar and charges molecules. For example, water is used as a solvent in the body by hemoglobin, carbonates, different proteins, and many other molecules. Moreover, water does not exist in nature as pure form. There are dissolved substances or ions, which are contained naturally in water. For instance, rainwater is naturally acidic. However, water in lakes can also be basic.