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We Were Soldiers Review
We Were Soldiers Movie Review questions. 1.<Tab/>Both the North Vietnamese and the U.S. had political agendas before this battle was ever fought. From looking at the movie and research name and explain the major political concern from each side. In 1930 a 40-year-old Communist revolutionary named Nguyen Sinh Cung helped found the Indochinese Communist Party with the goal of shaking off the French rule in Vietnam. By World War II
Wallace, Director of We Were Soldiers, (Interview access on May 11, 2004 ....Source: http://www.hollywoodlitsales.com/archives/wallace2.shtml) I personally feel that he made a political statement with the whole movie. He not only let us see how government was willing to sacrifice our nation but how government put those men out there in the gut wrenching crisis and made them relive this every day for the rest of their lives for those that survived.