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Well I had to do 3 writing tasks for my assignment and one of them was an exposition showing for and against points about "Should South Park be shown on TV", the essay is about 550 words
EXPOSITION: SHOULD SOUTH PARK BE SHOWN ON TV Should such a violent and swearing cartoon be shown on TV? South Park is a violent cartoon and kids are influenced by the show, but children aren?t even supposed to watch the show its rated MA 15+. There are important reasons for and against about this topic, those reasons will be discussed in this exposition. One reason why South Park shouldn?t been shown on TV is
Park but it never goes too far. Therefore there are several important reasons for and against about South Park shouldn?t be shown on TV, although it can be influencing on children and have a lot of swearing I still believe that South Park should still be shown on TV simply because it is a great cartoon and comedy. However I recommend they should air the show at a later time just incase of children.