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What is Caffeine?
The History of Caffeine People have enjoyed caffeine for thousands of years. The first records of caffeine was in 2737 BC when the Chinese emperor named Shen Nung was making some hot water when some leaves from a tree fell into it. This created the first tea. Coffee was first made around 575 AD when beans were used as a form of currency as well as eaten. When Spanish conquistadors first arrived in Mexico the Europeans were
bars The Cost of Caffeine The average cost for a cup of coffee is around $2.00 Australian. You can get pure caffeine for around $13.00 per ½ oz. You can buy an average Caffeinated soft drink for $3.00. What I think I think caffeine is a very useful drug; it can help you stay up longer, make you more focused and give you an energy boost. But it can have negative Consequences if you become addicted.