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X-Men: The Comic VS. The Movie Comparison Contrast
I have collected comics all of my life. One of the best, if not the best, comic publishers around is Marvel, which is my favorite. Marvel produces some of the biggest characters around such as Spider-Man, Incredible Hulk, Daredevil, and the X-Men, which are my favorite. When I heard that the X-Men was making the transition from comic book to silver screen I could not wait. I went opening weekend and sat on the edge
movie it took him a mere hour and thirty minutes. This was the first attempt at comic book conversions in a long time. I can cut them slack for this very good first attempt. Spider-Man pulled through in every department and I'm sure the other comic conversions will too. I just hope that with X2 (X-Men 2) they try to atone for the problems they caused in the appearances, setups, and mechanics of the comic book.