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evolution 3
Evolution, a process of change through time, is what links together the enormous diversity of the living world. A lot of evidence is present that indicates that the earth has had a very long history and that all living things arose in the course of that history from earlier, more simpler forms. In other words, all species have descended from other species and all living things share common ancestors in the past. Basically, organisms are
Anderson. Fifth Edition. New York, USA; Worth; 1989: Pages 961-973, 991-1029 3. Roberts, M.B.V. Chapter 34, " Evolution in Evidence," Chapter 35,"The Mechanism of Evolution," Biology. Fourth Edition. Surrey, UK; Nelson; 1986: Pages 560-616 4. The World Book Encyclopedia. World Book, inc. London: v.6; Pages 406-413 "Evolution". 5. Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica, inc. Chicago: v.4; Page 623 "Evolution". 6. http://www.talkorigins.org/origins/faqs-evolution.html 7. http://www.wku.edu/~smithch/index1.htm 8. http://bioinfo.med.utoronto.ca/~lamoran/Evolution_home.shtml