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Controversial Issues Essays and Term Papers

Essays 11-20 of 884
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organs, cosmetics, and age reduction, while at the same time taking away a human's individuality, uniqueness, and the right to live his own life. It may correct some of the mere eight defective genes in the average human body and it may give an infertil…
they need to know." Because I agree with Carl Rogers, I must negate the resolution that When in conflict, academic freedom in U.S. high schools ought to be valued above community standards. My core value for today's round shall be Democratic…
of the nation is at stake." Because I agree with Clinton Rossiter, I affirm the resolution that When the United States is engaged in military conflict, the demands of national security ought to supersede conflicting claims of individual rights. …
States is engaged in military conflict, national security ought to supercede conflicting claims of individual rights. My value for the round is Human Dignity, or what can be defined as a respect for the individual and his or her rights and virtues.…
other countries, Canada has a better track record when it comes to following the Children's Bill of Rights. In this essay, I will attempt to prove that children born, raised, and living in Canada are treated with more respect and humanity than other…
should have the final say? It is hard to imagine a more troublesome, emotional decision for a woman, than whether to end a pregnancy or to let it proceed and bear a child. It is hard to imagine how anyone could believe someone had the right to…
children or is it a privilege? Does every women have the right to chose to have a child or to have an abortion? Having an abortion can only be decide by women, due to the fact, that the abortion has a lifelong changing effect that is irreversible.…
topic on hand. But if one sees the constitutional infringement to women by the restriction of abortion, the torment to the unwanted child and the anguish society has to sustain,then this topic would not be so debatable. Too many people do…
do people do it? Is it killing a human life? What are the benefits for having an abortion? Should it be made illegal? These questions I will try and answer on the key issue right now on abortion. I will tell you my side and how I fell, and…
on television and on the radio. Should we, even take a stance on this issue when we have no idea what is involved in each person's case? Abortion is a very sensitive issue because there are many reasons for having an abortion. And a lot of the time…
Essays 11-20 of 884
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