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Law & Government Essays and Term Papers

Essays 181-190 of 1,377
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Category: / Law & Government
2001 may not feel safe anymore just because they live in the United States. They feel that our National Security is very poorly ran and that the government is not doing much to improve it. But, if you look at the different actions that the government…
Category: / Law & Government
in the world around us. The fact that McCarthyism still exists is a little frightening. McCarthyism is still attacking people all over the world and it needs to stop. Here are a few things that are outrageous to think of. December 21, 2001 a tenured…
Category: / Law & Government
virtually 100% of their time (and ours) to endless discussions of the probable war against Iraq and the faithlessness of some of the U.S.' allies, there seems to be no time for consideration of President Bush's comprehensive energy plan. As all energy…
Category: / Law & Government
paradigm Individuals, who elect to end their lives by physician-assisted suicide, typically have an incurable illness. These people are suffering with severe pain and no hope for the future. There is no way of making the suffering bearable for…
Category: / Law & Government
Did you know that juveniles accounted for almost half the arrests for serious crimes in the United States in 1974 and for less than one-third in 1983? Did you know that recent trends show an increase in arrests of adolescents for murder, assault,…
Category: / Law & Government
and speech. The first amendment prohibits an established religion in the United States. It also states that you can practice this religion in any peaceful way that you choose. The other rights of the first amendment can support this or delude this.…
Category: / Law & Government
The election of the President and Vice-President is the most highly anticipated and prestigious election of our Republic. It is difficult to find another election that could possibly compare in importance and popularity as that of the presidential…
Category: / Law & Government
liveable cities in the world. The kind of political separation of central city and suburbs, so common in American metropolitan areas, is not part of this city's reality. In the Vancouver experience, strong direction has emerged from time to time to…
Category: / Law & Government
Rages On Gun control is a major issue in the United States, widely debated, but still undecided. While many people argue that the U.S. should get on board with the rest of the world's democratic industrialized nations, many pro-gun lobbyists…
Category: / Law & Government
"an uncompromising adherence to a code of moral, artistic or other values, utter sincerity, honesty and candor, avoidance of deception, expediency, artificiality or shallowness of any kind" (Webster's 3rd New International Dictionary 1174). In simpler…
Essays 181-190 of 1,377
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